
For international enquiries, we suggest you call the premium number 14-14, our experienced operators will be there to help you find the desired number.
Whether to find the number of a hotel in Benidorm, that of the tourist office in Saint-Tropez or that of a friend living in Italy, or even to find a supplier located in London or Amsterdam, 14-14 also allows you to search for a telephone or fax number abroad, whether an individual, a company or an administration , etc..
With 1414, you no longer need to know the telephone number for national information, the telephone number for the reverse directory and then again the telephone number for international inquiries, because 14-14 is really the service for all telephone inquiries.
Finally, 14-14 being offered at a single price, regardless of the type of search, the international is therefore offered at the same very attractive price as the national, which is unique in Europe!
